Coach Stefan Rudolph

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Personal Growth &

Excuse the Excuses Out of Your Life &
Overcome the “Nevermind” in Your Life

~ Living a whole new life begins one day at a time, one breath at a time and one firm belief at this time in knowing that all things are possible when you live every day to the fullest ~

~ No matter how hard your life has become…life after the death of your previous life and the birth of your new life is possible. Life After Lockdown begins when excuses and reasons for failure leave your life ~

Stefan’s Story & Services:

Recovered Coaching

Stefan’s Speaking Events:
Motivational Speaking For Growth
Coach Stefan Rudolph

Youtube: @CoachStefanRudolph

Stefan’s Journey in Overcoming Epilepsy & Brain Surgery:
Epilepsy Coaching
Stefan’s Motivational Videos:
Coach Stefan Rudolph
  • Coach Stefan Rudolph’s has an amazing, very inspiring story of his journey in life in overcoming obstacles and never giving up in life.
  • Here he shows the steps he took to begin his personal growth by “no longer showing off, but showing up” in life in order to grow in life.
  • He proves to the readers and listeners that by putting closer to your past life, your present life will begin to take action and your future life will begin to grow.
  • Stefan has become a leader in the area of Personal Growth and Self Development Coaching for those dealing with any and all obstacles in His specialties and experience in life include: Epilepsy, seizures, alcoholism, prescription drugs, gambling, and overall addiction and escapism by living a life of “Dis…Ease”.
  • This is a story of overcoming 20+ years of epilepsy, even after brain surgery did not work, overcoming alcoholism and overcoming all obstacles in life by fueling his life with positivity and action, all in order to grow.